The Chairman and founder of Civilian Joint Task Force (CJTF) Abba Aji
Kalli has revealed his reasons for leaving the group in a new Facebook
posted today. Kalli also announced that following series of meetings
with the stakeholders, elders and concerned citizens of the state, he
has withdrawn his earlier statement and once again resumed duty as the
state coordinator CJTF.
"Assalamualaikum, my fellow members of the public, I must start by
stating some few reasons that I can say for now to the public on the
reason why I withdraw from the duty of CJTF, Firstly, I am a leader, I
work and do my duties with many comrades and heroes who sacrifice their
comfort and their social activities to protect their people, their
state, their Nation in fact the whole universe. And so its my duty to
protect and carter for their needs, indeed they are: But its quite
unfortunate these to have exist.
We lost many comrades whom their relative are still in pain but yet no
any compensation or even concern from the federal GOVT. We fight
voluntarily not in order to safe borno state only but rather safe and
protect the integrity of our nation.
What are flights of the CJTF from the federal GOVT. Only the Nigerian
army and DSS observed and gave sluts to our members, what of other
security agencies like the Nigerian air force, Navy, NPF, FRSC, custom
If I should say, it's obvious that the federal GOVT created a whole
ministry in order to compensate those who are even destroying the
economy of our nation, fighting and destroying lives and properties of
the nation, who are always aiming to disintegrate our nation, then why
not to those who are fighting in order to uphold and protect the
integrity of the nation, saving lives and properties, sacrificing all
they have ,giving their lives effort and comfort just in the name of
saving our great nation. Unfortunately, not even once the national
assembly brought our issue in the house, not even once the federal GOVT
has ever sermon us to know our challenges nor progress.....
Then what are called??? But we give thanks to the Almighty for every
disappointment there is a blessing, I have to say and mention and show
our appreciation to those who are always by our sides to help us ..
His excellency the state governor, his royal highest SHEHU of borno,
Antony general of the state, member representing MMC.. we say thank you.
After the series of meetings I had with the stakeholders, elders and
concerned citizens of the state and having heard from them, I hereby
withdraw my statement and resume back to my duty as the state
coordinator CJTF.
My sincerest appreciation to all concerned members of the public for
contributions, God bless borno state, God bless federal republic of
Nigeria, Ameen.
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